PRWeb Pricing is a lucrative business, but it's also one that can be quite time-consuming. If you're just getting started in PR, or if your company has been around for a while but hasn't yet gotten much press attention, then it might seem like the only option is to hire an expensive PR firm. However, there are plenty of affordable options out there for distributing press releases on your own—and we'll tell you exactly how to find them!
PRWeb - Basic Pricing: $99-$369.
PRWeb is a reliable and affordable option for small businesses. They offer a basic package for $99/month, and they also offer a premium package for $369/month. Both packages include unlimited releases and distribution, as well as free analytics.
PRWeb's pricing model is simple: You pay according to how much traffic you get from your press release (you can choose between 100K or 1M). If you don't have enough traffic to justify paying the higher price, then it doesn't matter because both plans will give you access to all of the features in their catalog—and they're certainly worth checking out!
PRNewswire - Basic Pricing: $299-$1,499.
PRNewswire is a popular PRNewswire Pricing that offers basic pricing based on the number of releases you publish per month. For example, if your company publishes 10 releases per month and buys at least one basic plan (which costs $299), then you should expect to pay an additional $29 per release after that initial purchase price.
If a company has more than one website or social media account and wants to use PRNewswire's services for all their needs—and they don't mind paying extra—then there are two options: 1) Buy an All Access Plus plan ($499), which allows unlimited access across all platforms; or 2) Upgrade from Basic Plan ($299-$1,499).
Marketwired - Basic Pricing: $200-$600.
Marketwired - Basic Pricing: $200-$600.
Marketwired Pricing
Basic pricing is the most affordable of all Marketwired Pricing and consists of two options: Standard and Premium. The difference between these two prices lies in their features and services, so it's best to choose one based on your needs rather than paying more for something you don't need or want.
Press Release Jet - Basic Pricing: $69-$349.
Press release distribution services are an important part of any business's marketing strategy. Prices vary based on what you need and how much you want to spend.
Press Release Jet, for example, offers a basic pricing plan that starts at $69 per month for one news release per month (this includes distribution via email), but that number jumps up quickly if you want more than one press release per week or month: The maximum amount they'll charge you is $349 per year! For this reason alone we recommend them as the best option for those looking for their first press releases online.
Business Wire - Basic Pricing: $500-$1,500.
Business Wire is an expensive service. It costs $500-$1,500 per month for basic press release distribution and publication services. Business Wire Pricing is best suited for larger companies that need to distribute their press releases to multiple publications.
For a more in-depth look at these services and a few other affordable ones, please see our blog post about the topic [here](
If you're just starting out in the world of press release distribution, we recommend that you look into these services. They offer basic pricing models and have easy-to-use interfaces for writing, submitting, and distributing your releases.
PRWeb is one of the most popular press release distribution platforms available today. The company was founded in 1999 by Dragan Teodorovic, who had previously worked at Business Wire as its vice president of business development (now known as "editorial"). It's now owned by USA Today Network Inc., which acquired it in 2014 after acquiring most of its competitors including PRNewswire Cost and Marketwired—all three companies specialize in distributing newsworthy information related to companies across multiple industries including finance (Financial Times), technology (TechCrunch) and healthcare (Bloomberg).
The basic cost per month is $67 per month with free trials available if interested; however, there are additional fees associated with each service depending on what type of account level you choose: Professional ($149/month), Professional Plus ($199/month) or Premier ($299/month).
I hope this has given you some insight into the cost of press release distribution and how those costs can be negotiated. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact me at [email protected]
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